Why Do Women Get Breast Revisions and Breast Reconstruction?

Dr. Daniel Reichner performs a variety of breast procedures, including breast revisions and breast reconstruction surgery. A breast revision addresses the results of a previous breast augmentation. A breast reconstruction procedure fixes congenital breast abnormalities, such as hypoplastic breasts or tuberous breast deformities.
Why Women Get Breast Revisions
There are a variety of reasons why patients come in for breast revision surgery, including:
- Changing the size or appearance of the breasts
- Replacing implants after a rupture or a leak
- Addressing issues like implant malposition, pain, or stiffness
- Switching the breast implants to a different type
Women who have had a primary breast augmentation are bound to get breast revision at some point or another, if only to replace older breast implants with new ones. The cost of implant replacement is often covered up to its 10th year, after which people tend to update or replace them.
Breast implants also have an increased risk of rupturing and leaking as time passes. They get worn out, and their shell starts to show cracks, leading to a rupture. When a leak occurs, saline is safely absorbed by the body, while newer silicone implants have a thicker gel that stays put. When a rupture or leak occurs, the implant must be replaced.
Breast revisions can be performed due to a capsular contracture, wherein an overly thick scar-tissue capsule forms around the implant. This causes the breasts to look deformed, tight, or hard to the touch. The generally recommended option is to get breast revision to correct this issue.
Why Women Get Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction surgeries are often performed to address congenital breast deformities. These usually include breasts that are different in size or balance or have extra breast tissue. Hypoplastic breasts and tuberous breast deformities can also occur.
These abnormalities can negatively affect a patient’s self-esteem in a variety of situations. Breast reconstruction can correct these deformities to restore a more natural appearance.
The procedure can be performed for patients who have completed adolescent development. It may involve a number of surgical processes as needed, depending on the specific deformity being corrected.
Tuberous breast deformities result in an undeveloped breast that may appear slightly smaller than the other. In severe cases, the base of the breast has less volume and skin along the crease, breast tissue herniation is occurring through the areola, or the crease is too high on the chest area. Breast reconstruction can expand the base, add volume, lower the crease, or reduce herniation.
In the case of hypoplastic breasts, there is breast asymmetry or very small breasts that are not in proportion to the body. Breast reconstruction may include surgery using tissue expanders to make room to place implants. In some cases, breast reduction may be necessary for the more developed breast.
Schedule Your Consultation
To find out more about breast revision and breast reconstruction surgeries, contact Daniel Reichner Plastic Surgery. Set up your informative and helpful consultation with Dr. Daniel Reichner today.